Cape Cod: A Case Study in Color

When visiting Cape Cod for the first time this past September, I was instantly blown away by the colorful Provincetown. As a street photographer, one of the first things I look for are striking colors, as a travel photographer, I search for the relationship between a subject and their environment.

Provincetown is like the golden ticket for both criteria - not only does it have the vibrant colors of many beach towns, but it is paired with residents who look as though they have gone out of their way to match the streets they walk in. In all of my travels, I’m not sure I have ever been to a place with so many photogenic subjects. Everywhere you look you see yellows and reds and blues, on t-shirts and on houses, hanging in the windows or painted on the streets.

Provincetown is an incredible place, and I encourage any travel photographer to stop by and take it in (and maybe a lobster roll too)!